
Why there is reason for concern (and hope for improvement)

Although current practices in industrialized countries lack the deep-rooted reverence and ritualistic practices of ancestral communities during the acquisition and use of animal source foods, they can still uphold high animal welfare standards. Welfare standards provide a framework for ethical agricultural practices and challenge the assumption that mistreatment is inherent to all forms of animal husbandry. The latter view often arises from emotionally charged images propagated by animal rights activists who tend to neglect positive examples of responsible care. Nonetheless, much improvement is still needed and not all forms of animal production have a social license. This subsection is therefore to be seen as a call to avoid excessive commodification of livestock and to show respect for all participants involved in the production of food, including animals, farmers, butchers, and cooks. A two-fold approach may be needed: the continued improvement of animal welfare standards and practices, coupled with a revitalization of meaningful human-animal interactions. More holistic perspectives are needed that encompass animal welfare, responsible agricultural practices, and a reimagining of what animals could mean in future societies, ultimately leading to more mindful and ethical approaches.

Ancestral versus contemporary models

In ancestral communities, animal source foods were obtained and used with reverence and ritual, evident in hunting, herding, and sharing practices. This cultural connection between humans and animals is weaker in industrialized Western societies today. However, this change does not necessarily mean worse animal welfare compared to pre-industrial times. While some practices are criticized for cruelty, others set unprecedented standards. Welfare can even be better in intensive systems than extensive ones, at least in certain aspects. Be that as it may, industrialization tends to diminish the cultural position of livestock in modern thinking, affecting both animals and humanity.

Animals should not be seen as mere commodities

In modern Western societies, especially in the urban centres, the lack of direct exposure to farming and butchering has contributed to a moral tension, sometimes referred to as the ‘meat paradox’. While many people enjoy and continue to eat meat, there is a growing discomfort with the reminders that meat originates from animals. Through commodification, meat has become a product largely divorced from the living animal it once was, and human-animal relationships have turned into idealized abstractions. This phenomenon appears especially pronounced in English-speaking cultures, and even more so with animals regarded as ‘cute’. As long as butchering processes remain hidden from public view, this disconnect persists. However, when these scenes are exposed, they often provoke strong emotional reactions. Media campaigns by vegan activists frequently leverage this psychological tension, using graphic imagery to confront the public with the reality of animal slaughter. The killing of an animal should not be a problematic act when death is painless and quick. Indeed, animal welfare standards are widely adopted in much of the livestock sector, yet there remain instances of substandard practices that compromise animal welfare. However, some activist narratives generalize these incidents, presenting them as representative of the entire animal agriculture industry while overlooking the positive welfare practices at well-managed farms and slaughterhouses.

Rethinking human-animal interactions

Prioritizing healthy animals is essential, allowing them to express natural behaviours and live pain-free lives through advancements in technology and behavioural science. However, focusing solely on welfare is insufficient. Western societies may also have to re-evaluate their relationships with animals, aiming for more meaningful connections. This would involve the acknowledgement of a shared ecological embodiment. Such transformation can even leverage animal source foods as catalysts for societal change, evoking a deep connectivity and driving impactful transformations in how people view sourcing concerns. Imaginative shifts, like considering grazing lands as communal dining tables, could aid in this transformation. Recognizing the inherent value of all beings, beyond their role as food, could lead to a shift from being mere eaters of 'meat' (sarcophages) to acknowledging our place as eaters of 'animals' (zoophages). By embracing the complexity of our relationships with animals, the 'virtuous omnivore' acknowledges the tension between ethical considerations and consumption choices.